#BrothersWithNoGame follows the social and romantic lives of four friends: Theo, Dorian, Junior and Marcus. Facing a 'quarter-life crisis', the 20-somethings come to terms with the responsibilities and dilemmas that revolve around work, family, friendships and most notably, women. Their distinctive personalities and ever-changing love lives are paralleled with a strong friendship and one evident, common, trait...they have no game....
Check out the 1st episode where Theo discovers what it means to play the #HeskeyRole after a night out with Nicole:
The first episode, launched last year and received over 10,000 views within five days. Their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/BrothersWithNoGame has almost 400,000 video views to date.
The web series is the creation of Justin Credible (JC), Maverick, Don Kwelu and The Yak and is produced by Socialize Media: http://www.socializemedia.co.uk
Earlier this year, the creators launched a fundraising drive to help finance the second season. They raised over £3,000 and will start filming soon.
If you want more information, please visit: http://www.brotherswithnogame.com