The Canadian web-to-TV animated comedy Chilly Beach has been picked up by Hulu for the US. The 65x22' series, produced by March Entertainment for Canada's CBC, ran over three seasons and has now joined the line-up on Hulu and its subscription service Hulu Plus via a deal with distributor Duopoly.
Chilly Beach follows the adventures of the quirky residents of an obscure Canadian resort village and in particular two beer-loving, hockey-playing best friends who have spent their whole lives largely oblivious to the outside world. Featuring performances by Steve Ashton and Dwayne Hill, the show also carries guest voiceovers from William Shatner, Joe Flaherty and Leslie Nielsen, among others.
And, Comedy Central Digital just launched an online-only talkshow that covers entertainment and technology. The 'Tech-comedy' show The Download will broadcast through ComedyCentral's website, fronted by writer and comedian Jordan Rubin, who formerly worked as head writer for the MTV Movie Awards.
The series debuted last week with four weekly episodes. Each week, the show's hosts will interview guests from the comedy, entertainment and technology worlds, who will discuss social media and gadgets. Guests lined up so far include actor Jerry O'Connell, DJ Samantha Ronson and musician and Beastie Boys collaborator Money Mark.
Samsung is sponsoring the show and will use the programme to showcase its Samsung Smart TV. The internet-ready device supports apps such as Skype, Twitter and photo sharing service Picasa, which will be worked into the show.
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